Lavender Peach Whiskey Sour

Here's a quick and easy whiskey sour to enjoy throughout the last days of summer.

If you prefer, this sour can easily be adjusted to a gin or vodka base. And if you have fresh lavender to garnish this lovely drink, go snip some off.

Lavender Peach Whiskey Sour


  • 2 oz. bourbon or rye
  • 2 Lavender Peach Mixicles® cubes
  • 1 egg white or .75 oz aquafaba
  • ½ oz. simple syrup (optional)
  • 2 dashes lavender bitters (optional)
  • Fresh lavender or peach slice for garnish

How to Mix:

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Shake until you no longer hear the cubes rattling. Add ice, shake for 10 seconds, and strain into a chilled coupe glass. Garnish with fresh lavender or peach slice.

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